Thursday, April 14, 2011

Nigel or Colin?

A common question had caught my eye while I was Googling the other day and I decided, why not help answer it? (Is it just me or does "Googling" sound like something dirty?)

Anyways, the question: Who is Nigel Wespurt and why he is so important in the movie?

Excellent question! You might recognize him as just Nigel or more commonly referred to as, Colin Creevey; either or it doesn't really matter because his spot in the movie hasn't been completely confirmed yet. 

Many people think he was put in the place of Colin Creevey seeings how actor, Hugh Mitchell, was believed to have quit the set of Harry Potter due to the fact that Colin was only truly seen in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

I can't really say if I believe that theory or not because he is a totally different character in a totally different year then Colin so it seems unlikely. Then again, it could be correct because Nigel has confirmed that he would take the place of Colin's death in the Deathly Hallows part 2.

We first see this adorable guy (in my opinion at least ^.^ ) in the 4th movie whereas he is in his first year at Hogwarts (he was sorted into Gryffindor). Apparently, Ron had told Nigel he would get him Harry's autograph in return for getting Ron's mail (or something of that sort because we see him delivering Ron a package). We also see him routing Harry on during the Triwizard Tournament and Draco Malfoy slams his hat down in his face.                         
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Nigel delivering Ron's package)      

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Nigel routing Harry on in the Triwizard Tournament)

We see him again in the 5th movie where he takes on a slightly more major role. This would be his second year. He joins the DA and we see him by Harry's side most of the time. He is also seen as the "victim" of practice spells such as the use of Hovering Charm, Expelliarmus, and Stupefy. 

Nigel being supported by a Hovering Charm

The entire DA
 He is also the look out when people are entering the Room of Requirements. Harry gives him the Marauders Map to keep an eye on Umbridge, Filch, and the Inquisitorial.

Harry showing Nigel how to use the Marauders Map

Nigel is in the front of the room beside Harry when Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad break into the Room of Requirements. He is one of the students to serve a "Medieval" detention with Umbridge. 

In Nigel's 3rd year (6th movie) he is still a strong supporter of Harry with whom he becomes more in awe over when Harry because Quidditch Captain. He tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch but didn't make it. This did not dampen his likes for Harry, however, because we see him just as awestruck by the Boy Who Lived then ever before. 

Nigel trying out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
We see him again in Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince as one who witnessed Lavender and Ron kissing in the common room. He appeared to be making "gagging" faces in the background. We see him again raising his wand to Dumbledore's death beside Luna Lovegood. 

Nigel raising his wand to Dumbledore beside Madam Pomfrey and Luna Lovegood.
Nigel Wespurt has few background appearances in the Deathly Hallows part 1 albeit silent roles. He is apparently taking the place of Colin Creevey's death in the Deathly Hallows part 2. 

More pictures:

Nigel with his owl getting on the Hogwarts Express. Goblet of Fire.
Nigel in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Nigel during Dumbledore's speech in the Goblet of Fire.
Nigel with the Marauders Map.
And that my dear readers is who Nigel Wespurt is! If you would like more information I will post some links that have debates and go further into his roles. Thanks for reading. :D Hope you enjoy my blog! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask! Or comments!

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